Last question if I used ./sage -clone myvrr and made the changes in
myver, how do I tell sage to run the tests there (if this even makes


On May 14, 3:13 am, mabshoff <> wrote:
> On May 14, 1:08 am, Rado <> wrote:
> > The bug is almost trivial. The code
> > verts = data.keys()
> > ....
> > for u in data:
> >    verts.union([v for v in data[u] if v not in verts])
> > is slowing down because in python searching in lists is slow. If we
> > use "verts = set(data.keys())" the code speeds up tremendously.
> Nice catch. No idea if this is the fix, but we will see I guess ;).
> > sage: D={}
> > sage: for i in xrange(10^3):
> > ....:     D[i]=[i+1,i-1]
> > ....:
> > sage: timeit('g=Graph(D)')
> > 5 loops, best of 3: 79.6 ms per loop
> > Before I submit a patch how do I run the the graph theory doctests to
> > make sure nothing else is broken by changing verts from list to set?
> Run "make check" in $SAGE_ROOT or
>   ./sage -tp 1 devel/sage
> where the number behind -tp is the number of tests run in parallel.
> > Rado
> Cheers,
> Michael
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