On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
>> Bill Page wrote:
>> Ok thanks. I recall the discussion and I can indeed write:
>> sage: f=lambda x:RR(x).nth_root(3)
>> sage: f(-2.0)
>> -1.25992104989487
>> but I think I'll let my earlier comment stand:
>>>> I think there should be a more obvious way.
> Of course, you're welcome to suggest a way.  Note that in earlier
> threads, having a switch that determines which root to pick has
> been negatively viewed.


> What about changing the name of the above function to:
> RR(x).real_root(3) ?
> That would certainly be easier to find and would be a bit more
> descriptive.  Of course, right now, there is an nth_root function for
> complex numbers that also would have to be addressed.


> Or what about making real_root a method for any number (or
> real_nth_root, or make nth_root take an argument for a target
> domain, like RR or RDF)?

Perhaps we should continue this discussion on sage-devel if there is
some reall interest in resolving this issue?

What I personally would really prefer is that


call '.nth_root(3)' because (1/3) is an element of Rational Field. I
suppose this requires some small change to the coercion system. Then


or equivalently


could continue to behave as it does now.

Bill Page.

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