Same problem here to some extent:

During upgrade from 4.0.alpha0 on OSX.4 G4 Powerbook, on the Sphinx
build process I repeatedly get the following or a similar error:

ImportError: dlopen(.../sage/symbolic/ Library not
loaded: .../local/lib/libpynac-0.1.2.dylib Reason: image not found

Then sage prompt appears after a similar error, and
sage: 2+2
sage: x
both fail for lack of definition of Integer and x.

Once I get rid of the same file, I have success, like Jaap:

| Sage Version 4.0.rc0, Release Date: 2009-05-21                     |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: 2+2
sage: f(x)=x^2
sage: f(4)
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.18s, Wall time 0m22.67s).

No Maxima exit!!! :)  And to compare:

| Sage Version 4.0.rc0, Release Date: 2009-05-21                     |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: %time f(x)=x^2;f(4)
CPU times: user 0.01 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.02 s
Wall time: 0.02 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.16s, Wall time 0m13.66s).

| Sage Version 3.4.1.rc1, Release Date: 2009-04-05                   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
Loading Sage library. Current Mercurial branch is: hackbranch
sage: %time f(x)=x^2;f(4)
CPU times: user 0.05 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 0.11 s
Wall time: 1.15 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.25s, Wall time 0m17.31s).
Exiting spawned Maxima process.

- kcrisman

On May 21, 1:59 pm, Jaap Spies <> wrote:
> mabshoff wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I gotta run to the airport, but sources and upgrade bits of 4.0.rc0
> > are in
> >
> > Once I get online I will post more info, but I am sure this will take
> > a couple hours. Sorry.
> Upgrading from alpha0 on Fedora 10 failed somehow. I had to remove 
> by hand.
> $ rm devel/sage/build/sage/symbolic/
> Now testing.
> On Fedora 9 I'll do a fresh install.
> Jaap
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