On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 7:13 AM, Nick Alexander<ncalexan...@gmail.com> wrote:


> == List of closed tickets ==
> This will come with the release email for the next rc; if you want to
> see it right away, it's here:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/query?status=closed&group=resolution&milestone=sage-4.0.2

As tickets are getting merged, I'm keeping up with the release note
for sage-4.0.2. For the record, here's a list of closed tickets,
excluding those that have "wontfix" or "invalid" resolutions:

* Closed Tickets:

#6285: fixed due to #6244

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.alpha0

#2256: Craig Citro: matrix inverse over CC raises ZeroDivisionError
[Reviewed by Jason Grout, Nick Alexander]
#2513: Craig Citro: Weird printing issues with gcc, caused by LANG
environment variable [Reviewed by William Stein]
#3391: Jason Grout: update scipy to 0.7 [Reviewed by Josh Kantor]
#3829: Burcin Erocal: wester.py disagrees with Wester!!! [Reviewed by
Alex Ghitza]
#5321: Martin Albrecht: follow up to #5287: improve mq.SR usability
even more [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal]
#5371: Michael Abshoff, Rob Beezer: change autosave defaults [Reviewed
by Rob Beezer, Kiran Kedlaya]
#5431: Mike Hansen: Command line parser fails on hex values with 'e'
[Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#5444: Mike Hansen: ellipses + float = boom [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#5454: Robert Bradshaw: Add coercion documentation to the reference
manual [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#5510: Martin Albrecht: update M4RI interface [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
#5539: John Palmieri: "sage -docbuild" could use a better error
message [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#5701: David Joyner: Remove Guava from standard Sage [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#5771: John Palmieri: %latex should issue a warning if latex isn't
installed on the system [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
#5842: Francis Clarke: Various number field improvements [Reviewed by
John Cremona, David Loeffler]
#5845: John Cremona: Fix precision bug in hilbert_class_polynomial()
[Reviewed by Alex Ghitza, Jim Stankewicz]
#5975: Robert Beezer, Fidel Barrera Cruz: Implement latex output for
(combinatorial) graphs [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#5976: Dan Shumow: Add an Elliptic Curve Isogeny object [Reviewed by
John Cremona, David Kohel]
#6014: David Joyner: hexads in S(5,6,12) and mathematical blackjack
[Reviewed by Dan Gordon]
#6017: Provide methods for graphs to set options for latex printing
[closed due to #5975]
#6034: Martin Albrecht: update Singular to newest upstream release
[Reviewed by Kiran Kedlaya]
#6044: Maite Aranes: Enhanced reduction modulo ideals of number fields
[Reviewed by John Cremona, David Loeffler]
#6046: John Cremona: Implement local and global heights for number
field elements [Reviewed by Francis Clarke, Nick Alexander]
#6089: John Palmieri: view command: don't always use jsMath [Reviewed
by Rob Beezer]
#6108: Mike Hansen: sage -tp skips all.py!! [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6110: Carl Witty, Nicolas Thiery: implement a "decorator" to allow
pickling nested classes [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, Nicolas Thiery]
#6121: Robert Bradshaw, Nicolas Thiery: use metaclasses to support
nested class pickling [Reviewed by Nicolas Thiery]
#6123: Robert Miller: expose partition refinement functions to Python
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6140: Jason Grout: Upgrade numpy to 1.3.0 [Reviewed by Josh Kantor]
#6178: David Loeffler: Hermite normal form over PIDs [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6185: Martin Albrecht: Add SBox -> CNF Conversion [Reviewed by Yann
#6188: David Loeffler: Add more files in sage/rings/number_field to
reference [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6193: John Cremona: implement elliptic logarithm [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#6201: Alex Ghitza: CC() raises exception instead of returning 0
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6205: Nick Alexander: add __invert__ to number field morphism
[Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6211: Burcin Erocal: typesetting exp sometimes broken [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6213: Craig Citro: easy addition of an alias to eta product (trivial
ticket to deal with) [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6218: Nick Alexander: small changes to jacobian_morphism to make
hyperelliptic curve arithmetic faster [Reviewed by Kiran Kedlaya]
#6221: Minh Van Nguyen: typos in Lagrange interpolation polynomial
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6222: Minh Van Nguyen: typos in super-increasing code [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6225: Harald Schilly: add link to irc in notebook help page [Reviewed
by Nick Alexander]
#6226: Michael Abshoff, Florent Hivert, Minh Van Nguyen: developer's
#guide: sections on formatting docstrings and trac guidelines
[Reviewed by John Palmieri, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6229: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: efficiency in Lagrange polynomial
interpolation (easy fix...) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6234: Craig Citro: make parallel GCC'ing of Sage library not
experimental [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6244: Burcin Erocal: conjugate() in sage-4.0 is broken [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6250: Nicolas Thiery: Standardize MatrixGroup_gap: by adding
.cardinality, and deprecating __len__ [Reviewed by David Joyner]
#6252: Minh Van Nguyen: Add 11 people to the development map [Reviewed
by Mike Hansen]
#6256: Burcin Erocal: bug in symbolic arithmetic with exp [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6257: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Minor plot doc issues [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6259: Craig Citro: Fix spurious file creation in
sage/server/support.py [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6260: William Stein: sage -startuptime is totally broken in
sage-4.0.1 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#6263: Franco Saliola: Add __cmp__ method to ClassFunctions (group
characters) [Reviewed by Jerome Lefebvre, David Joyner]
#6264: Sebastien Labbe: ReST bug introduced by #5452 (missing '::'
before a sage block) [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6268: Burcin Erocal: Typesetting of sec(x), csc(x), cot(x) are broken
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6270: John Palmieri: add some files from the plot directory to the
reference manual [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6271: Nick Alexander: upgrade to mpir-1.3.0 [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6272: Nick Alexander: upgrade to flint-1.3.0 [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6282: William Stein: document SAGE_CHECK [Reviewed by John Palmieri,
Nick Alexander]

Minh Van Nguyen

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