I am still missing equality constraints. Sure, you can just add 2
inequalities, but since CoinPackedVector seems to support lower and
upper bounds for each row, why not set them directly? Otherwise I'm
quite satisfied, after playing around a bit.

On Jul 9, 6:36 pm, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody !!!
> After a discussion from a few days ago where I asked for people
> interested in a LP Solver in SAGE, I began to write what I could of
> it. I have now what seems to be a "minimal" interface between SAGE and
> Clp/Cbc( the Coin-or LP Solver and Branch and Bound solver,
> respectively ). It uses CBC to solve Linear programs with or without
> integer values, and it is now for me the easiest way to use a LP
> solver, as I had to generate Cplex or MPS files before to use GLPK or
> Cbc...
> There are probably a lot of errors, of mistakes, of necessary
> modifications which would improve the code. I have never been writing
> code for anyone else except myself, so there is bound to be a lot of
> things to criticize. I would also like those of you who are interested
> in a good implementation of a LP solver in SAGE to try this code,
> because I will continue to implement the interface by addings features
> to it and it would be better if I avoid now a big mistake I did not
> see which would have to be corrected later ;-)
> You will find two TRAC tickets for this, the first being a SPKG for
> CBC :http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6501
> and the second the patch needed to use it 
> :http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6502
> Once you will have the two installed, you can try to solve a simple
> "maximal independant set problem" with those lines :
> g=graphs.RandomGNP(10,.5)
> p=MIP(max=True)
> obj={}
> for i in g.vertices():
>     obj["V"+str(i)]=1
>     p.setinteger("V"+str(i))
> p.setobj(Constraint(obj,obj=True))
> for (a,b,c) in g.edges():
>     obj={}
>     obj["V"+str(a)]=1
>     obj["V"+str(b)]=1
>     p.addconstraint(Constraint(obj,lt=1))
> p.solve()
> I hope those who already used LP solvers will find the notations
> natural.
> Thank you !!! ;-)
> Nathann
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