On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:02 PM, Ondrej Certik<ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally learned javascript and AJAX, so that I can help with the
> notebook. I also studied it's sources.
> First things I like:
> * I like the user interface, it's usable, especially the attention to
> little details, like borders around the cells, tab completion, tab
> indentation and things like that.
> Things I don't like:
> * the javascript is really hackish overall, but two things really
> caught my attention:
>  a) the keyboard handling is horrific, why not to use some standard
> library for that, that works across all browsers

Tom Boothby wrote all that in early 2006, and there wasn't something
good then.  I don't think jquery even existed then.

>  b) it uses some custom format for transfering data (which has bugs,
> like 
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/5ecd104b0aa85439),
> why not to use JSON?

That would be a good idea.

> * it doesn't run on the google appengine (William mentioned in the
> past, that he doesn't see any benefit to do that, or that it would be
> slow)

Just because I don't see a benefit to something, doesn't mean there
aren't tons of benefits.

> Well, talk is cheap, so here is the code (a sample Firefox screenshot
> is also attached in case it didn't work in your browser):
> http://pythonnb.appspot.com/
> it uses jQuery all over,


>  it uses a keyboard plugin for jQuery, it uses
> JSON and it runs on the google appengine (and anywhere else too, it's
> just a standard django app). I tested in Firefox and IE8. The keyboard
> works, there are just some subtle bugs on IE8, see here:
> http://github.com/certik/notebook/blob/375a2026ee7ea721904d05068724b3a7663d018e/todo
> but none of it seems major to me, the keyboard seems to be working
> just fine (or is IE8 not the most problematic? I'll try to test in
> other browsers like Opera and Safari too). Here is the index.html with
> all the javascript that I wrote:
> http://github.com/certik/notebook/blob/375a2026ee7ea721904d05068724b3a7663d018e/templates/index.html
> It handles most of the keyboard interaction. It doesn't have TAB
> completion and inspection yet.

How are you doing the auto input cell resizing?

> Well, let me say that I really like to run things on the appengine,
> rather than to constantly maintain our own servers. I see no reason
> why the notebook cannot run on the appengine, only the AJAX would talk
> to our own server with Sage to actually evaluate the cells (and for
> many people, I think appengine itself could actually be enough). I
> have to think though what the best way to transfer data to the
> database with worksheets is though.
> I wanted to ask --- which parts of the Sage notebook are BSD licensed?
> I used a bit of the CSS styles and and maybe one javascript function,
> everything else was written by me. If possible, I'd like to use the
> BSD license for the notebook (if I find time to work on it further),
> so that ipython can use it by default.

Make precise what you used and we'll get it BSD licensed for you. We
have to see who wrote the particular code you're using.

> Also, question to all, do you like the In [3] and Out[3] lines?
> I  don't have an opinion on it yet myself, so I implemented them, to see
> how it looks like. Also, please let me know if it works in your
> browser.
> Ondrej

 -- William

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