On 07/10/09 01:55, William Stein wrote:
>> I've made an SPKG of a framework Python build -- it was really easy.
>> The modified spkg-install is on bsd.math.washington.edu as is the spkg,
>> they are here:
>> /Users/Prabhu/spkg-install.python
>> /Users/Prabhu/python-2.6.2.p2.spkg
>> I'm not going to be available tomorrow (I leave in half an hour) but if
>> someone wants to try these out please feel free to do so.  I will make a
>> VTK spkg this weekend for the framework build and then look at the
>> offscreen support.
> Thanks.  Please see
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3924

Thanks.  Sorry I never got around to doing much after this and my 
semester started leaving me little or no time for anything else.  Ondrej 
and I might take a stab at this during SciPy09.  Thanks for your patience.


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