It's now put somewhere else, namely in
$HOME/.sage/temp/(hostname)/(pid)/ but the tutorial has not changed to
reflect this.


2009/8/14 brettpim <>:
> One more:
> I am sunning sage in ~/Projects/SAGE/sage-4.1 which is the root of the
> source tarball.  as per
> I created 'example.sage' in this directory and loaded and attached
> it.  contrary to the tutorial, no file named '' was
> created in this directory.   No such file exists anywhere in my home
> directory tree, ~/.
> brett
> On Aug 11, 9:24 pm, brettpim <> wrote:
>> I have had some issues in the tutorial but I am a newbie so I wanted
>> to check here before thinking these were errors in Sage rather than
>> errors in me.
>> 1) at
>> it seems to met that z(1) \aprox 0.65  NOT 0.75
>> 2) regarding polynomials in the 
>> tutorial:
>> Does the following session:
>>     sage: R = QQ['t']
>>     sage: t in R
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     NameError                                 Traceback (most recent
>> call last)
>>     /home/brett/Projects/SAGE/sage-4.1/<ipython console> in <module>()
>>     NameError: name 't' is not defined
>>     sage: S.<t> = QQ['t']
>>     sage: t in S
>>     True
>>     sage: t in R
>>     True
>> contradict the statement "However, this does not define the symbol t
>> for use in Sage, so you cannot use it to enter a polynomial (such as
>> t^2+1) belonging to R"?
>> 3) In Linear Algebra (
>> tour_linalg.html#sparse-linear-algebra) I am not sure what "The multi-
>> modular algorithm in Sage is good for square matrices (but not so good
>> for non-square matrices):" is supposed to mean since I do not notice
>> any difference in output.  What should I expect to see differently?
>> 4) In "Timing commands" (
>> interactive_shell.html#timing-commands)  the difference between
>> "%time" and "time" is never explained.  Calling time? and %time? seem
>> to indicate that these are the same, but the tutorial's switch from
>> one to the other with no explanation is a bit confusing.
>> thanks
>> brett
> >

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