I've been working on shifting our axes and gridline plotting work to use 
matplotlib native constructs.  The result is way, way simpler code with 
much, much nicer pictures.  This also clears up a lot of bugs and 
annoyances that have been expressed for a long time.  I'd like some 
comment on the current work, though.

The ticket is http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5448; the patch 
  You need the new matplotlib spkg at 
http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/jason/matplotlib-0.99.0.spkg. This 
is based against 4.1---I don't have 4.1.1 yet to rebase.

Feedback I'm looking for:

  * Do I need to rebase this against 4.1.1?  (Sorry for not trying 
yet---I'm running out of time to work on this in the near future...)
  * Are there any big things missing/wrong? (or tiny things?)

Also, I noticed that the gridline spec is rather hideous.  It follows 
what I think is a fault of Mathematica, which is that *everything* must 
be specified in one command.  If you want to draw several different 
horizontal/vertical lines as "gridlines" in mathematica, you must 
specify them all at once, inside your plot command, and end up with an 
unreadable mess of double or triple-nested lists.  Of course, we have 
nice objects and easy ways of combining plot objects, which can make the 
code much, *much* clearer.

The current gridline spec is:
         - ``gridlines`` - (default: None) can be any of the following:

           - None, False: do not add grid lines.

           - True, "automatic", "major": add grid lines at major ticks 
of the axes.

           - "minor": add grid at major and minor ticks.

           - [xlist,ylist]: a tuple or list containing
             two elements, where xlist (or ylist) can be
             any of the following.

             - None, False: don't add horizontal (or vertical) lines.

             - True, "automatic", "major": add horizontal (or vertical) 
grid lines at
               the major ticks of the axes.

             - "minor": add horizontal (or vertical) grid lines at major 
and minor ticks of

             - an iterable yielding numbers n or pairs (n,opts), where n
               is the coordinate of the line and opt is a dictionary of
               MATPLOTLIB options for rendering the line.

I propose instead a spec like the following:
         - ``gridlines`` - (default: False) can be any of the following:

           - False: do not add grid lines.

           - True, "major": add grid lines at major ticks of the axes.

           - "minor": add grid at major and minor ticks.

           - [xlist,ylist]: a tuple or list containing
             two elements, where xlist (or ylist) can be
             any of the following.

             - False: don't add horizontal (or vertical) lines.

             - True, "major": add horizontal (or vertical) grid lines at
               the major ticks of the axes.

             - "minor": add horizontal (or vertical) grid lines at major 
and minor ticks of axes.

To let the user still draw arbitrary horizontal and vertical lines that 
span the picture, I can make a vertical_line and horizontal_line graphic 
object, which behave just like the line object, but span the entire 
picture (so, in a sense, are real infinite lines, not just segments 
between two points).

The end result is code that looks like this:

sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: p = implicit_plot((y^2-x^2)*(x-1)*(2*x-3)-4*(x^2+y^2-2*x)^2, \
...             (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=1000)
sage: p.show(gridlines=(
...    [
...     (1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...     (0,{"color":"blue","linestyle":"--"})
...    ],
...    [
...     (-1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...     (0,{"color":"blue","linestyle":"--"}),
...     (1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...    ]
...    ),
...    gridlinesstyle=dict(marker='x',color="black"))

is instead written like this:

sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: p = implicit_plot((y^2-x^2)*(x-1)*(2*x-3)-4*(x^2+y^2-2*x)^2, \
...             (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=1000)
sage: opt=dict(marker='x')
sage: p += vertical_line(1, color='red', linestyle=':', **opt)
sage: p += vertical_line(0, color='blue', linestyle='--', **opt)
sage: p += horizontal_line(-1, color='red', linestyle=':', **opt)
sage: p += horizontal_line(0, color='blue', linestyle='--', **opt)
sage: p += horizontal_line(1, color='red', linestyle=':', **opt)
sage: p.show()

or maybe even like this:

sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: p = implicit_plot((y^2-x^2)*(x-1)*(2*x-3)-4*(x^2+y^2-2*x)^2, \
...             (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=1000)
sage: opt=dict(marker='x')
sage: for pos,style in ...    [
...     (1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...     (0,{"color":"blue","linestyle":"--"})
...    ]:
...       style.update(opt)
...       p += vertical_line(pos, **style)
sage: for pos,style in [
...     (-1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...     (0,{"color":"blue","linestyle":"--"}),
...     (1,{"color":"red","linestyle":":"}),
...    ]:
...       style.update(opt)
...       p += horizontal_line(pos, **style)

Okay, maybe this isn't as clear-cut as I thought it was.  I'm still 
interested in feedback about which way people prefer things.  I'm 
realizing that sometimes, Mathematica's 
everything-must-be-a-single-hugely-nested-function-call approach is 
sometimes just horrendous.



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