On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Harald Schilly<harald.schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> here is another "report a problem" message from the notebook
> interface. It's not a bug (i think) but it gives insight in how Sage
> is used and over what users stumble when using it for simple things.
> ------------------
> This doesn't work:
> var('k')
> u = 1 + k
> k = 1
> u.n()
> ------------------
> It is maybe not a bug, but I would expect it to give the same as
> var('k')
> k = 1
> (1+k).n()
> I think that .n() should try to evaluate the expression before to
> throw an exception.
> ------------------
> Comment:
> I think n() could be made more intelligent in a way that it searches
> the globals()? Or not .n(), but a new method ".evaluate()" or
> something that does this? Any ideas? Just u.subs(globals()) didn't
> work for me.

I think it would be bizarre and wrong to change the behavior of n at
all from what it currently is.  I think this question has nothing to
do with n.   The user wants the following:

sage: var('k')
sage: u = 1 + k
sage: k = 1
sage: u

to output 2.    If Sage or Python were to do that, I would consider it
crazy and terribly broken.  When I write "u = 1+k", I'm making u into
the symbolic expression "1+k" with k a symbolic variable.  When I
wrote "k=1", I'm binding the k in the current namespace to point to
the integer 1.  This better not change u; changing u would be utterly
insane.   I've never seriously used any programming language that
would be that bad.   They do exist though.   Since Python isn't such a
(bad!) language, we don't really have to discuss this further.
However, for fun here are some examples for comparison:

PARI -- behaves the same as Python:
? u = 1 + k; u
%1 = k + 1
? k = 1
%2 = 1
? u
%3 = k + 1

In[1]:= u := 1 + k; u
Out[1]= 1 + k
In[2]:= k := 1;
In[3]:= u
Out[3]= 2

> R<k>  := PolynomialRing(RationalField());
> u := 1 + k; u;
k + 1
> k := 1;
> u;
k + 1

> u := 1+k;
                                       u := 1 + k
> u;
                                          1 + k
> k := 1;
                                         k := 1
> u;

LISP -- it's popular these days suddenly :-)
[1]> (setq u 'k+1)
[2]> u
[3]> (setq k '1)
[4]> u


(%i1) u : k+1;
(%o1)                                k + 1
(%i2) u;
(%o2)                                k + 1
(%i3) k : 1;
(%o3)                                  1
(%i4) u;
(%o4)                                k + 1

Wow, that's pretty interesting.  So Maple and Mathematica also have
the  (bizarre) semantics the user wants, but no other language I
tested does, including Maxima.

This would thus be a very useful thing to add to the Sage tutorial, as
users coming over from Maple and Mathematica *should* expect this
weird semantic, since it is what they learned and are used to.   We
should have exactly this example to illustrate this subtle point.

<flamebait> The computer scientist in me just can't believe Maple and
Mathematica are designed that way.  It's just sad. </flamebait>

 -- William

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