On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, Nils Bruin wrote:

> Maxima can indeed be coerced into behaving like a library in ECL. The
> changes required are relatively small and it would be easy to
> incorporate them into the current spkg. I haven't bothered, since
> other people are already working on a new maxima. Details posted on:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6781
> The ticket also contains an example session where maxima functionality
> is used in a library-like way.
> The wrapper for ECL is still only a hack. Should this be a road worth
> taking, someone would have to think what the most appropriate way
> would be to set it up.
> Issues:
> 1. Signal handler collision between sage and ecl
> 2. sage segfaults upon exit if ecl has run
> 3. ecl by default  has an error handler that doesn't work well inside
> sage
> 4. current wrapper is not GC-safe, but that's straightforward to fix.
> I'm completely out of my depth for 1, 2, so input from someone else
> would be highly appreciated.

I don't know much about (1) and (2) either, but I have to say kudos to you 
for getting this far. That's pretty cool.

- Robert

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