> > In this file, the current behaviour is the following,
> >  o  Try to establish the answer (yes or no).
> >  o  If this doesn't work, throw an exception.
> > although the actual behaviour is down to the inheriting classes.
> > From the point of view of the ring, this might seem sensible.  But I
> > think the case where this is used is something like this:  One has
> > various algorithms at hand for computing with a given ring, and the
> > computation would be done much better if one knew the ring was a
> > field, say.  I think the code would be a lot cleaner if the following
> > behaviour was offered:
> >  o Try to find out whether the ring is a field, say.
> >  o If the positive answer can be established, return yes.  Otherwise,
> > return false.
> If R is a ring that is in fact a field, I'm sure that many people will be
> very unhappy if we have:
>   sage: R.is_field()
>   False
> This would be more acceptable:
>    sage: R.is_field(unknown_returns_false=True)
>    True or False
> So why not just add a flag that is off by default to the "is_field", etc.
> functions, so they do what you want?     It makes the code very easy to
> read, will be easy to document, since it will be easy to learn about if you
> get frustrated and type "R.is_field?".   Then much of the library code code
> use it.
> William

I am sorry if my post wasn't very clear; by "I think the code would be
a lot cleaner if the following behaviour was offered" I did not mean
that the default behaviour of the current implementations of
"is_field" etc should be changed.  Instead, that is why I included the
methods "is_certainly_field" etc.  However, I think your suggestion of
adjusting the current implementation of "is_field" etc by including an
optional parameter looks much cleaner.

If other people agree with this approach, I guess I can just leave a
short note explaining this behaviour in the generic method in sage/
rings/ring.pyx and then go through all inheriting classes overwriting
the method to make the adjustments, right?

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