Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

> Em, I thought I'd try this in Mathematica
> In[1]:= 5!
> Out[1]= 120
> In[2]:= 5!!
> Out[2]= 15
> In[3]:= 5!!!
> Out[3]= 1307674368000
> In[4]:= 5!!!!
> Out[4]= 2027025
> In[5]:= 5!!!!!
> <spends a long time doing whatever it is trying to compute. >
> Anyone like to guess what it's doing?

Trying this in Wolfram Alpha


reveals what Mathematica is doing. Apparently n!! is the double factorial


n!! = nx(n-2)x(n-2)x...

As a non-mathematician I'd never herd of such a thing myself.

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