On Sep 7, 3:36 pm, Minh Nguyen <nguyenmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> This release has the following updated packages:
> * matplotlib-0.99.0.spkg
> * networkx-0.99.p1-fake_really-0.36.p1.spkg
> The source tarball and sage.math binary are available at
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/release/upgrade/sage-4.1.2...http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/release/upgrade/sage-4.1.2...
> and the upgrade path is
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mvngu/release/upgrade/sage-4.1.2...
> Please test and report all problems.

Intel Mac OS X 10.5, 32-bit, built from scratch: the build failed when
it got to ecl.  After replacing the included ecl spkg with the one at


the build succeeded and all tests passed.

Intel Mac OS X 10.5, 64-bit, built from scratch: replacing the fortran
spkg (as usual) and the ecl spkg, it built, although apparently the
ecl library is not 64-bit.  A bunch of tests failed because of the
cliquer problem.  Other than that, one failure:

sage -t -long "devel/sage/sage/interfaces/maxima.py"
File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-4.1.2.alpha1-64bit/devel/sage/
sage/interfaces/maxima.py", line 2108:
    sage: list(v)
    [0, x, 2*x^2, 3*x^3, 4*x^4, 5*x^5]
    [0, x, , 3*x^3, 4*x^4, 5*x^5]
1 items had failures:
   1 of   4 in __main__.example_64

I suppose this is related to ecl?


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