Hi Simon,

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Simon King <simon.k...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:


> I just checked that in the previous sage release tour the package
> authors (David Green and I) are correctly named, and the description
> of ticket #6491 clearly names both authors as well, and so does the
> documentation. However, just my name was given as author of the
> ticket. My understanding is that the release tour and the attribution
> in the documentation are what counts in the end.

I have changed ticket #6491 to also name David Green as an author of
the code contained in the package pGroupCohomology.

> Now it is ticket #6750. The new bits of code are entirely written by
> myself, but of course most of the code for the new package version is
> identical with the old version. My judgment would be: It is OK that I
> am author of ticket #6750, but David Green must appear as one author
> in the release tour.

I must admit that it can be really difficult for me, or a release
manager or a release tour writer, to work out who are the people
writing the code contained in a ticket. Most of the time, I rely on
whatever is written on the ticket, the username contained in patch
files, and sometimes I would ask about how to attribute credit when in
doubt. If your judgement is that another person should also be listed
as an author in the "Author(s):" field, please put down the person's
name in that field. When the time comes to write release notes and
release tours, I would use the names contained in the "Author(s):"
field as the people responsible for writing the code, the spkg update,
or the spkg upgrade. I try as much as possible to synchronize the
author(s) names between tickets, release notes, and release tours.

Minh Van Nguyen

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