On Sep 17, 5:01 pm, Dirk <dirk.lau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry that I misunderstood the purpose of the question.  But I would
> like to re-make one of my points.
> sage: solve(x^5+x^3+17*x+1,x)
> [x == -0.0588115172555,
>  x == (-1.33109991788 + 1.52241655184*I),
>  x == (-1.33109991788 - 1.52241655184*I),
>  x == (1.36050567904 + 1.5188087221*I),
>  x == (1.36050567904 - 1.5188087221*I)]
> sage: solve([x^5+x^3+17*x+1],x)
> [0 == x^5 + x^3 + 17*x + 1]
> Should the behaviour really be different for these two calls to solve
> ()?  Don't misunderstand me: I don't mean "can it be explained as a
> Maxima quirk", I mean "is it this the behaviour intended by the SAGE
> design team?"

No, this is an error.  With two or more equations, "Maxima quirk", but
not with one.  I've already got catching that case as part of my
changes (which are, alas, not quite ready for a patch), as I noticed
it early on (and I think others did as well).

- kcrisman
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