I took a look at this more closely and it appeared to me that a patch
I previously applied to the fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem function was not
also applied to fmpz_poly_pseudo_div function. After applying that
patch, FLINT returns the correct result for the example you gave.

Indeed this bug could also cause segfaults in the pseudo_div function.
However now that you changed the code over to use pseudo_divrem you
shouldn't be hitting a segfault from there. I don't believe that
function is called from anything else in FLINT, so perhaps the other
issues you noted were unrelated.

Thanks for the bug report. This was a pretty serious bug.

<PLUG>In FLINT 2 this sort of bug couldn't occur for at least 2
reasons. The necessity to set the maximum size of coefficients for
polynomials is gone in FLINT 2. It is all automatic because it uses
mpz_t's. Secondly, FLINT 2 will rationalise the number of functions by
implementing fmpz_poly_pseudo_div as a special case of
fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem (it will still be faster and won't compute the
remainder, it'll just be implemented all in one single function).
FLINT 2 will also use Git, which will make keeping track of specific
patches much easier too, though in this case I don't think that would
have solved this problem. I can't wait for FLINT 2.</PLUG>

Anyhow, I'm working hard today to get a new version of FLINT out with
lots of new code and this and a few other critical bugs patched. I
will make an announcement here and on the FLINT devel list when I have
it up.


On 22 Sep, 08:50, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> This does indeed look like a bug. I can't think of any reason off the
> top of my head for the quotients to be different except that one of
> them is wrong.
> I'm currently working on the next FLINT release and will be sure to
> address this problem. There will probably be two FLINT releases
> relatively soon after one another due to the large amount of code. The
> releases might be a week or two apart and I don't want to hold up the
> code that will be in the first release (which includes some critical
> bug fixes) on account of the code that will be in the second release
> (which includes lots of contributed code).
> Thanks for the report!
> Bill.
> On 22 Sep, 03:18, Sebastian Pancratz <s...@pancratz.org> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > Yesterday I ran into a problem when using the FLINT pseudo division
> > methods in SAGE.  Below I am copying part of an email I sent to Bill
> > Hart already.
> > Sebastian
> > [Bug report]
> > While working on re-implementing QQ[] in SAGE, I came across the
> > following inconsistency.  From the FLINT 1.4.0 manual, I think the
> > methods fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem and fmpz_poly_pseudo_div should return
> > the same quotient.  But using the "div" method I get
> >   A = x^4-4*x^2+2*x+2
> >   B = x-2560
> >   Q = x^3+2560*x^2+6553596*x+3892303874
> >   m = 0
> > whereas the "divrem" yields
> >   A = x^4-4*x^2+2*x+2
> >   B = x-2560
> >   Q = x^3+2560*x^2+6553596*x+16777205762
> >   m = 0
> > The second answer is the correct one.  Temporarily, I have now changed
> > the relevant Cython code to
> >   cdef fmpz_poly_t rem
> >   fmpz_poly_init(rem)
> >   fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem(q.num, rem, &m, a.num, b.num)
> >   fmpz_poly_clear(rem)
> >   # fmpz_poly_pseudo_div(q.num, &m, a.num, b.num)
> > and it seems to work fine, as far as many random comparisons between
> > the output of "f // g" with new QQ[] and with the old QQ[] suggest.
> > Here is another example, for which the output doesn't agree:
> >   f = -10*x^6 + x^5 + 2*x^4 - x^3 + 2*x^2 - x - 1
> >   g = 75*x^4 - 1/2*x^3 - x^2 + 37/3*x - 1/124
> > In case this helps, I am working with SAGE 4.1.2.alpha0 under Ubuntu
> > 8.10.
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