Dear Kjell,

----- Forwarded message from "Nicolas M. Thiery" <> 
PS: with that, I am very close to getting a nice category graph, but I
need to chase a bug which will have to wait until I am more awake.

----- End forwarded message -----

I chased the bug down, and now I would very much appreciate some help!

My goal is to use the autosize feature, using the two passes. Digging
into dot2tex's script, I came up with the code bellow, which works
just fine with complicated graphs (like the one linked to above). But
apparently fails for graphs with simple labels: The example script
below runs smoothly for dotdata=dotdata2, but fails for

Ubuntu linux
graphviz 2.20.2-3ubuntu2
dot2tex 2.8.6
pyparsing 1.5.2
Script run actually under sage, but that should not have much influence.

Any clue ?

Is this how you would recommend calling the converter?

Thanks in advance,

dotdata1 = r"""
digraph {
    "objects" [label=" ", texlbl="$1$"];

dotdata2 = r"""
digraph {
    "objects" [label=" ", texlbl = "$\left(\begin{array}{rr}1 & 0 \\0 & 

dotdata = dotdata1

from dot2tex.dot2tex import Dot2TikZConv

options = {'format':'tikz', 'autosize' : True, 'crop':True, 'usepdflatex':True, 
'figonly':True, 'debug':True}

conv = Dot2TikZConv(options)
dotdata = conv.convert(dotdata)
conv.dopreproc = False
print conv.convert(dotdata)

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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