On Oct 3, 3:02 am, Håkan Granath <hakan.gran...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the reply! I see now that I mistakenly assumed that
> #6892 was merged into sage-4.1.2.rc0. But then something else must
> have changed. In sage-4.1.1 I could write simply
> """
> Notebook Keybindings
> <snip>
> - *Insert New HTML Cell:* Shift click between cells to create a new
> HTML cell. Double click on existing HTML to edit it. Use $...$ and $
> $...$$ to include typeset math in the HTML block.
> """
> and it worked both in the live and static html documentation. In
> sage-4.1.2.rc0 this typesets the ... as math in the live doc. (Well,
> mayby not always, sometimes it shows correctly until I press the
> refresh button in the browser). This is with
>   Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824
>   Firefox/3.5.3

I'm seeing the same thing, more or less, with Safari on a Mac: in the
live documentation, both sets of ... are in math mode, and in the
static, only the $$...$$ ends up in math mode.  It's strange; I wonder
if it has to do with jsMath somehow.  I was trying  ``$`` ... ``$``
(with spaces around ... so it gets parsed correctly), but even this
doesn't seem to work.


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