On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:08 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:
>> Just a datapoint that might provide useful feedback for those who are
>> trying to make binary installs a smooth experience:
>> I tried to install 4.1.2 on a Fedora 10 (i686) laptop. I tried both
>> the Fedora 9 and the Fedora 11 image. With either I got errors:
>> ImportError: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not
>> found (required by <lib>.so)
>> doing a "sage -f ..." for the package that provides <lib>.so solved
>> that problem, but then the next C++ library would play up.
>> I ended up getting stranded on:
>> local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/combinat/partitions.so
>> for which I was not readily able to determine which spkg to install.
>> It may just be that F9/F10/F11 is a particularly active time of libstdc
>> ++ development. However, it gave me the impression that binary
>> distributions of sage are very fragile. It's good that there is always
>> the source fall-back option, but the prospect of having my laptop
>> churn for 2 hours to produce an upgrade actually put me off upgrading
>> for now.
>> If this is a more common problem, how difficult is it to have a list
>> of c++ spkgs so that libstd++ problems can be solved by recompiling
>> those? Or are there so many that you might as well do a source
>> install?
> Would you be willing to test taking a fresh install of the fedora 11
> binary and dropping
> libstdc++ from Fedora 11 (etc.) into your local/bin/?   For a very
> long time, with Sage we
> *distributed* a bunch of libstdc++ files with the binary.  Maybe a
> combination of that
> with some instructions like you mention bight be the best option.
> Linux is a such an "exciting challenge" when it comes to making binaries.

Check out the VirtualBox binary download page for Linux:


There are 39 distinct binaries listed there:

    * Ubuntu 9.10 ("Karmic Koala") i386 | AMD64
    * Ubuntu 9.04 ("Jaunty Jackalope") i386 | AMD64
    * Ubuntu 8.10 ("Intrepid Ibex") i386 | AMD64
    * Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ("Hardy Heron") i386 | AMD64
    * Debian 5.0 ("Lenny") i386 | AMD64
    * Debian 4.0 ("Etch") i386 | AMD64
    * openSUSE 11.1 i386 | AMD64
    * openSUSE 11.0 i386 | AMD64
    * openSUSE 10.3 i386 | AMD64
    * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SLES10) i386 | AMD64
    * Fedora 12 ("Constantine") i386 | AMD64
    * Fedora 11 ("Leonidas") i386 | AMD64
    * Fedora 9 ("Sulphur") / 10 ("Cambridge") i386 | AMD64
    * Fedora 8 ("Werewolf") i386 | AMD64
    * Mandriva 2009.1 i386 | AMD64
    * Mandriva 2008.0 i386
    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ("RHEL5") / CentOS 5 i386 | AMD64
    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ("RHEL4") / CentOS 4 i386
    * Turbolinux 11 i386 | AMD64
    * PCLinuxOS 2007 i386
    * All distributions i386 | AMD64

Opera is similar.  If these guys don't have a better solution, then
probably this is simply the sort of thing that is *demanded* by
distributing nontrivial binary software for Linux.

I am not opposed to trying to target making binaries for far more
system, if we get organized and work together.   It's just a matter of
making VirtualBox machines that have g++, make, m4, gcc, installed
into them.  I like them to also have a /tmp that has at least 32GB
free disk space on it.     I think we could support building 30-40
binaries on our current rather powerful hardware resources.  The main
issue is the workload of creating all these VirtualBox virtual
machines.  I don't want to do it all myself!


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