Dear David, dear Javier,

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 05:23:15PM +0200, David R. Kohel wrote:
> I put of positive review of most of the assigned category files.

Excellent! Thanks much!

> Note that I hadn't downloaded those attributed to Javier, so these
> are still outstanding.

Feel free to beat him to it, starting from the end of the list :-)

> I made a few comments (mostly regarding the lines "TODO" in the
> files). Some are probably historical, but I guess the examples might
> crash if the relevant implementations are not in place in Sage
> upstream.

Thanks for reminding me about this. For the modules file, I just
removed all (but one) "todo: not implemented", since #6136 is now
ready, and can get into Sage at the same time as the category code.

I am now having a look at your comments on the wiki.

> I am also still not comfortable with the "with_basis" categories.  I
> think there are already classes which handle these

Concrete classes sure. But not abstract classes for factoring generic
code out of the many concrete implementations of modules with basis:
(Combinatorial)FreeModule, matrix spaces, polynomials, ...

> and the "with_basis" is redundant if it is not a structure to be
> preserved by morphisms (like for pointed sets as distinct from
> sets).

It's not redundant, because it specifies how the elements are
represented by expanding them on the basis, which is not always
desirable or even possible (lazy power series, or functions from R to
R definitely form a module, but the basis is not constructive).  In
turn, this information on the representation of elements yields
generic algorithms.

For another example of extra information carried by those *with_basis
categories, an object in GradedAlgebrasWithBasis is not just a graded
algebra; the elements of the distinguished basis must also be

Yeah, I know; all of that should be stated explicitly in the doc. We
haven't yet finished porting all of this info from MuPAD's doc.


> Doing sage -combinat install I get the following error on start-up:
> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc2' in file
> /usr/local/sage-4.1.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/combinat/
>  on line
> 22, but no encoding declared; see 
> for details
> (, line 21)

Good catch. Should be fixed in a couple minutes.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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