
This works :

var('u, v')
h = lambda u,v: u^2 + 2*v^2
G = plot3d(h, (-1,1), (-1,1))

This does not work :

var('u, v')
h = lambda u,v: u^2 + 2*v^2
G = plot3d(h, (u,-1,1), (v,-1,1))

But it should according to the doc  :


    * f - a symbolic expression or function of 2 variables
    * urange - a 2-tuple (u_min, u_max) or a 3-tuple (u, u_min, u_max)
    * vrange - a 2-tuple (v_min, v_max) or a 3-tuple (v, v_min, v_max)
    * adaptive - (default: False) whether to use adaptive refinement
to draw the plot (slower, but may look better)
    * mesh - bool (default: False) whether to display mesh grid lines
    * dots - bool (default: False) whether to display dots at mesh grid points


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