On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Florent Hivert
<florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr> wrote:
> +1 to no simplification...
> Rationale: I think indeed that it is very important that the type of the
> result of an operator depends only of the type of the operands and not of
> their actual values. If > is a constructor for symbolic equation, it sounds me
> perfectly good that sage returns the following:
> sage: SR
> Symbolic Ring
> sage: SR(1) > SR(2)
> 1 > 2
> because it returns:
> sage: x > 2
> x > 2
> if x is symbolic.

Should I expect

sage: SR(1) + SR(2)
1 + 2

just because

sage: SR(x) + SR(2)
x + 2


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