On November 15, 2009 10:54:16 pm William Stein wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:23 PM, kstueve <kevin.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > An alternative to adding/removing/commenting out/uncommenting print
> > statements through your code may be to use decorators.  A decorator is
> > a a function that is passed your function whenever it is called.  A
> > decorator can do whatever you want.  Some of the possibilities are
> > caching values of the function, but a decorator might be used to print
> > debugging statements or keep track of how many times a method is
> > called (or even pause or wait for input).  Some IDEs might have step
> > through and breakpoint capability.  If my memory serves me correctly,
> > there is a command (I think it works only in the command line, not in
> > the notebook) that will give timing and method invocations for code.
> >
> > @somedecorator
> > def somefunction():
> >    code
> >
> > When somefunction is called, somedecorator (which is actually another
> > callable function somewhere) gets called.
> That is not correct.  Doing
> @somedecorator
> def somefunction():
>     code
> is equivalent to doing
> somedecorator
> def somefunction():
>      code
> somefunction = somedecorator(somefunction)
> The callable somedecorator is called when somefunction is created, not
> when somefunction is called.
> William
> > 

Thank you all for the suggestions and links.  Would it be possible to add them 
as a subsection to 'Coding in Python for Sage' (at 
http://sagemath.org/doc/developer/)?  Perhaps 'Basic debugging techniques.'

- Jim

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