Here we use NFS and Sage: we have 3 computers. The first one receives
all the users'directories in a directory /ws. /ws is exported to the 2nd
and 3rd computer and we have no performance problems. But ok, this is
not the same configuration as yours where you have a lot of computers
and only one nfs server.

The worsheets are very small objects; so I guess that the problem is
somewhere else.

If your nfs server is a linux machine, try to optimize it. There are
some references about this: have more nfs daemons, have larger packet
size. But may be you an other sort of network problem.


Pablo Angulo a écrit :
>   Hello:
>   In my university, we have a room with 24 computers and one nfs server
> serving the home folders for all of them. SAGE is installed in each of
> the computers individually. As the course progresses, we're running into
> severe performance problems when using SAGE in this setting. We have now
> switched to local access, and we can proceed with the course without
> problems, but we'd like to have the home folders shared between the
> different computers if at all possible.
>   These are the clues to the issue:
>   * Other courses, running other software, use the nfs mounted home
> folders with no problem, and with all the students logging in at the
> same time.
>   * If only one, or a few computers log in, performance is good.
>   * If all the students use SAGE at once with local access, performance
> is good, too.
>   * When they log into their nfs accounts, performance is poor but,
> after a while that is getting longer, students can work normally.
>   * As a side comment, the nfs server seems to have enough RAM, CPU and
> bandwith idle when all the computers struggle to open up SAGE.
>   So I'd say our problem is related to the big size of the .mozilla and
> .sage folders going through the nfs folder (compared to the small
> configuration folders of other programs). As the course progresses,
> these folders are getting bigger, and that would explain the performance
> issues and non-issues.
>   My questions are:
>   * Does this make sense to you?
>   * Has any of you tried a similar configuration?
>   * Any hints on how we can get shared folders back? Maybe samba would
> do better? Maybe rsync the folders on login and logout? Maybe use a
> single SAGE server?
> Thanks

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