I'm CCing this to sage-devel.  For Sage-devel people, the full thread 
can be found here:


(subject: [Jmol-users] first peak at update to Jmol in SAGE (3-D 
function    plotting)...

The message I'm replying to specifically is: 

Robert Hanson wrote:
> Jonathan and Jason,
> This is a great starting point for a list.
>> 1) An arbitrary number of isosurfaces, with attributes color,
>>> transparency, visibility, mesh color, mesh visibility, lighting state
>>> (fullylit default).  The range for the numbers in these isosurfaces
>>> should be limited only by the number range available for floating point.
> Jmol 11.9 has a COLOR MESH option to isosurface/pmesh so that you
> can color the mesh a different color than the surface itself. In addition,
> like I said, you can add contour lines along planes; I think this is more
> what
> the Sage community is interested in than a set of lines around the triangles
> that we have called "mesh".

Yes, that's right.

>>> 3) Based on the range of the isosurfaces (pmeshes) provided Jmol would
>>> determine the bounding box and the scale adjustment for display.
> Of course the way  to do this now is with invisible atoms, but I agree, that
> should be simple enough to add as an option.

If I recall correctly, there were problems when we had very large bounds 
(1e5?) or very small bounds (1e-8?).  So the decision was made to 
rescale everything always to a 2x2x2 box centered at the origin (I 
believe).  I assume that this is what we are addressing here.

I wasn't in on the initial incorporation of jmol, so I don't know 
exactly what problems there were.  But William Stein and Robert Bradshaw 
do; we can ask them on the mailing list.

>>> 4) This structure would have scriptable functions for turning on and
>>> off each of the edges of the bounding box, the axis titles and
>>> automatically computed numerical ranges on the axes (a real bonus
>>> would be if the tick numbers could be associated with any of four
>>> equivalent axes).  I think the SAGE solution of a minimum of 3 numbers
>>> per axis is pretty good.  Really big displays (> 600 px square) could
>>> benefit from 5 numbers per axis.
> A nice little project. In the past I have written graphing systems (for
> example,
> http://stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/divgraph/examples.htm), so I am well aware
> of the issues there with respect to ticks and numbering. It's not a simple
> issue.
>> Things related to axes/bounding boxes that come to mind (possibly
>> covered in what you said above) are:
>> * a way specify tick locations for each axis (in addition to the option
>> of jmol doing things automatically)
> If you propose a method, I can implement that.
>> * a way to specify formats for tick values (e.g., "%.3f", or whatever is
>> easiest for you guys to parse and use)
> Right, we already use that. It looks like this:
> $ print format("%0.3f",0.52)
> 0.520
> $ print format("%0.-2f",0.52)
> 5.20E-1
> $ print format("testing %10.3f here",0.52)
> testing      0.520 here
> $ print format("testing %-10.3f here",0.52)
> testing 0.520      here


>> * a way to specify just a list of tick labels (so we could do a tick
>> labeled "pi", for example)
> How about if we just copy gnuPlot's method for doing this? Does
> gnuPlot do what you need it to do? Or Maple or Mathematica?
> No sense in reinventing the wheel. Since we are in 3D we need to
> think about how these objects would move around as the model
> is rotated. That's a good trick. (important, too, I think)

I agree that we should look at interfaces.  I was specifically thinking 
of matplotlib 3d commands here.

>> * a way to turn on and off axes that meet at the origin and the bounding
>> boxes, independently.  (this is already possible, I'm pretty sure)
> yes, easy.
> * Axes that meet at the origin having tickmarks too.
>> sure
>>> So ideally SAGE can just generate an unscaled list of isosurfaces,
>>> planes, etc.. Then Jmol would worry about making the plot pretty.
>> that is definitely the idea.
>> That would be great and would clean up the code right now that does
>> scaling, etc., before things ever get to jmol.  It would also allow us
>> to more easily use things like picking in jmol, which I think is messed
>> up right now since we scale everything before it gets to jmol.
> I'd like to suggest also that Jmol be able to scale a plot any which way.
> Sage should not have to do the transform from user numbers to Jmol
> coordinates. You should be able to just use the coordinate system of
> the user and let Jmol do the rest. Or you could specify some sort of
> affine transform you want Jmol to apply. Jmol already does this with
> atoms -- it's just the specification of a unit cell. An interesting
> challenge.
> Bob

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