On Jan 17, 12:53 pm, "Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net>
> Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > I understand that Debian support is on hold. AFAIK, a proper Debian
> > requires a complete refactoring
> > of the code, in particular removing all the things that are not really
> > Sage, e.g. mercurial, gap, singular, etc etc etc.
> > I understand it has been done at some point for Sage 3, but then the
> > main person who did that
> > got a "real" job and dropped out.
> > One can certainly package Sage as a .deb, but does this make much
> > sense?
> > Best,
> > Dmitrii
> Could an argument not be made to the Debian people that the code is gap 
> singular
> etc, but patched versions of them. Call them Foo and Bar if necessary! No
> seriously, I can understand them not wanting 'standard' things packaged, but 
> if
> the items are significantly modified from the 'standard' distribution, then
> there seems to be an valid argument for it being available.

unfortunately, some items, e.g. GAP, are not just "modified", but old
and buggy.
On GAP support lists noone would take questions on GAP 4.4.10, the
release currently used by Sage.
Try to sell this to Debian...

[well, what I do in GAP is affected by the upgade to 4.4.12 that has
not made it into Sage yet, so I can't so that's
perhaps why I sound too agitated on this...]

Moreover, I want to call cvxopt with data obtained in GAP (and get
some answers back).
But cvxopt in Sage is also old and buggy! They had gone to version 1
already quite a while ago, and all
the documentation now  is for version 1.
Well, this, unlike GAP, requires some substantial porting in few
places; but still, I am stuck
documentation-less, at least...

By the way, both lastest GAP and latest cvxopt are in Debian


And inclusion of, e.g. bzip, or python itself, is just bizzare...

> In the case of Mercical, there is probably some logic to not distributing 
> that.
> I assume it is only of need to developers, and it is pretty easy to install.
> drkir...@hawk:~/sage-4.3.1.rc0/spkg/standard$ ls *.spkg | wc
>        93      93    2065
> drkir...@hawk:~/sage-4.3.1.rc0/spkg/standard$ ls *.p[0-9].spkg | wc
>        67      67    1507
> shows 67 of the 93 packages in standard are patched. But in many cases, even
> those that have no patch number will have patches.
> Ultimately, if you make a .deb, and someone wants to install it, should you
> really care what the Debian maintainers feel?

surely, .deb format is free, you are welcome to use it...

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