On Jan 18, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

William Stein wrote:
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
Last week was a pretty annoying week for Solaris support. Two quite major
obstacles came up.

1) #7932: _Complex_I undeclared - a new bug totally stops a Solaris 10

has introduced code which exploits a bug in gcc, which stops Sage building on Solaris. This was particularly annoying, as 4.3.1 was expected to be the first version to build easily on Solaris. But that rather put a stop to

I notice Robert has included what he concedes is a 'hack' to disable the code. I I've not bothered reviewing that yet, as there may be other ways
around this issue.
Robert explained this fix to us yesterday at Sage Days and it sounded
pretty reasonable to me.

The hack doesn't disable this code, it unsets then resets _Complex_I to the complex literal 1j if both __GNUC__ and __sun__ are set.

I'm just trying that now. The URL Robert gave on the ticket


is invalid, though I think I'm managed to work out what he means. I've managed to find something called cython-0.12.p1.spkg

Yep. It seemed to fix the build on t2. (If we're going to ship the patched spkg, it think I'll have to clear out some build files in there.) I'll be incorporating this into the next release of Cython.

In any case, keep up the good work. We're certainly getting close...

- Robert

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