On 2010-Jan-28 18:47:52 +1100, Minh Nguyen <nguyenmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>At least with Sage 4.3.1, the build would fail when compiling the Sage
>library. In Sage 4.3.2.alpha0, R is upgraded to version 2.10.1, which
>requires iconv as documented in the R release note [1]. On t2.math,
>the iconv library under /usr/include and /usr/lib is not sufficient
>for getting R to build. The issue of getting GNU iconv on Solaris is
>tracked at ticket #3381 [2] and closed as "wontfix". Now that iconv is
>a requirement for building R, I think there is a strong case for
>installing GNU iconv on t2.math. With R 2.10.1, one can no longer use
>the configure options --with-iconv=no and --without-iconv. This not
>only affects Solaris, but also Mac OS X. For Mac OS X, the following
>line in the spkg-install of the R spkg

I ran into a similar problem compiling Sage 4.3 with FreeBSD.  In
theory, that's not a real problem because GNU make pulls in GNU iconv
as a prerequisite.  In practice, it needs a fix (#7833) because the
iconv configure script is broken.

In the short term, GNU iconv probably needs to be added as a Sage
prerequisite (which means installing it on t2).  In the longer term,
it might be worthwhile looking at why the Solaris iconv is inadequate
for R and whether R can be adapted to use Solaris iconv.

Peter Jeremy

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