Hi William,

> >> So technically the behavior you're seeing agrees with the stated
> >> documentation, so isn't a bug.  However, I can see how it could be
> >> misleading!   But fixing it could be a can of worms, so... thank you.
> >
> > My American language is not very good... I'm not sure what you mean by 
> > "could
> > be a can of worms, so... thank you".
> Sorry, that was too idiomatic.  Probably even Americans wouldn't understand.
> I meant:
>   (1) fixing this right might be surprisingly hard -- it's one of
> those issues that one starts working on thinking it will take "5
> minutes", but it takes longer than 5 minutes.
>   (2) I think it would be wonderful if you do fix it, and I'll greatly
> appreciate it.

Thanks for the explanation. I got it more or less right. So maybe my American
is not so bad ;-)

> > Anyway, I'm ok fixing it if it is not too
> > complicated. Specifically, I'm ready to put a patch which calls the
> > constructor of MatrixSpace as in
> >    sage: mat = matrix(ZZ, [[1,1],[1,1]], sparse=False)
> >    sage: type(mat)
> >    <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense'>
> >    sage: res = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 2, 2, sparse=True)(mat)
> >    sage: type(res)
> >    <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_sparse.Matrix_integer_sparse'>
> > Is it ok ?
> >
> Yes.  However, please change the docstring for matrix to also say what
> happens when a matrix is passed in.  Currently the docstring says
> (indirectly) that _matrix_ will get called, but you'll change that,
> for the better.

Sure ! At least I'll try ! This is now #8277 (work in progress)...


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