On 12-Mar-10, at 12:22 AM, Joal Heagney wrote:

Hi guys and gals,
Currently I'm attempting to fit the following data to the general
logistic model:

[(0,0),(1,0),(2,13),(3,28),(4,48),(5,89),(6,107),(7,168),(8,188), (9,209)]

The form of the logistic curve I am using is:

K/(1 + a*exp(r * (t - t0)))^(1/v)

with K,a,r,t0 and v being parameters, t the dependent variable.

Attempting to use find_fit, I get values of:
[K == 84.999999972210745, a == 126.84970317061706, r ==
-183.75725583987102, t0 == -124.8433024602822, v == 105.35677984548882]

Could you give a (very!) short sage session demonstrating this?


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