actually, sage: standard_packages()
says that the following standard spkg's are not installed in a t2
build of sage-4.3.4 I made.

['cddlib-094f.p5', 'flintqs-20070817.p4', 'gfan-0.4plus',
'moin-1.9.1.p1', 'palp-1.1.p1', 'pil-1.1.6.p2',
'polytopes_db-20100210', 'sagetex-2.2.3.p0', 'scipy-0.7.p4',
'scipy_sandbox-20071020.p4', 'sqlalchemy-0.5.8',
'tachyon-0.98beta.p10', 'weave-0.4.9.p0']

Is this normal?

On Mar 22, 9:47 pm, Dima Pasechnik <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> scipy is not compiled in that build, despite it being a standard package.
> It just won't build by default on Solaris (while it builds there if I do
> sage -f scipy-0.7.p4.spkg, etc).
> This is not only the issue with this build by Minh,
> but I also see this when I build sage myself on t2.
> This should also explain why the size of the archive is smaller than
> it it should be
> (perhaps some other libs aren't there, either)
> Perhaps someone in another timezone (it's almost 10pm here, and my
> teaching started at 8:30am today :-)) can have a look and perhaps open
> (and even close :)) a ticket on this.
> Best,
> Dima
> On 22 March 2010 14:16, Minh Nguyen <> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > A binary of Sage 4.3.4 for SPARC Solaris 10 on the machine t2.math is
> > available at
> >
> > Here is a summary of how I produced that binary.
> > (1) I logged into t2.math, took the source tarball of Sage 4.3.4, and
> > compiled it under my $HOME. I didn't try to build under my
> > /scratch/mvngu/ directory because I anticipated that other users of
> > t2.math would want to use that /scratch partition.
> > (2) After a successful build of Sage 4.3.4 on t2.math, I compiled the
> > GNU core utilities, i.e. coreutils-7.4, under my $HOME on t2.math. To
> > do that, I put the following conditional in my $HOME/.profile:
> > if [ `uname -s` = "SunOS" ]; then
> >    # Sun linker/assembler
> >    . /usr/local/gcc-4.4.1-sun-linker/gcc441sun
> > fi
> > I then extracted the coreutils tarball to $HOME/usr/src, configured it
> > with the options
> > $ ./configure --prefix=/home/mvngu/usr
> > and then build and install with
> > $ make
> > $ make install
> > The compilation process used GCC 4.4.1, as sourced in the above
> > conditional. The resulting binaries were then installed under
> > /home/mvngu/usr/.
> > (3) When coreutils-7.4 had completed building and installing, I
> > changed my $PATH to put the path /home/mvngu/usr/bin first. In this
> > way, basic commands such as cp, ln, etc. under /home/mvngu/usr/bin are
> > picked up first, instead of the corresponding system-wide binaries on
> > t2.math.
> > (4) From the SAGE_ROOT of the newly compiled Sage 4.3.4, I wrapped up
> > a t2.math binary as follows:
> > $ ./sage -bdist
> > After issuing the above command, I noticed heaps of warning/error
> > messages along the line of "permission denied". But in the end, I
> > still ended up with a t2.math binary wrapped up as a gzip'd tarball.
> > A funny thing about the t2.math binary I posted above is that it is
> > much smaller in terms of MB than the corresponding sage.math binary. I
> > suspect that something was amiss in my build or binary wrap up
> > process.
> > If you need to test something on t2.math, feel free to use the binary
> > I posted. Please test and report all problems.
> > --
> > Regards
> > Minh Van Nguyen
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