Florent Hivert <florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr> writes:

> Do I understand that you can't help me with choosing good names :-) ?

I'm not sure whether it will help you ... but you may want to look at
the files




where "categories" (in quotation marks, because probably not
mathematical in any way) and "domains" for trees are defined.  (and I
admit that I have no idea how much of this is already in sage.)

(in some cases I just *had* to copy the author tag, too.  algebraic
combinatorics forever :-)


++ A recursive aggregate over a type S is a model for a
++ a directed graph containing values of type S.
++ Recursively, a recursive aggregate is a {\em node}
++ consisting of a \spadfun{value} from S and 0 or more \spadfun{children}
++ which are recursive aggregates.
++ A node with no children is called a \spadfun{leaf} node.
++ A recursive aggregate may be cyclic for which some operations as noted
++ may go into an infinite loop.
RecursiveAggregate(S:Type): Category == HomogeneousAggregate(S) with

++ A binary-recursive aggregate has 0, 1 or 2 children and
++ serves as a model for a binary tree or a doubly-linked aggregate structure
BinaryRecursiveAggregate(S:Type):Category == RecursiveAggregate S with

++ Description:
++ A unary-recursive aggregate is a one where nodes may have either
++ 0 or 1 children.
++ This aggregate models, though not precisely, a linked
++ list possibly with a single cycle.
++ A node with one children models a non-empty list, with the
++ \spadfun{value} of the list designating the head, or \spadfun{first}, of the
++ list, and the child designating the tail, or \spadfun{rest}, of the list.
++ A node with no child then designates the empty list.
++ Since these aggregates are recursive aggregates, they may be cyclic.
UnaryRecursiveAggregate(S:Type): Category == RecursiveAggregate S with

++ Author:W. H. Burge
++ Description: \spadtype{Tree(S)} is a basic domains of tree structures.
++ Each tree is either empty or else is a {\it node} consisting of a value and
++ a list of (sub)trees.
Tree(S: SetCategory): T==C where
 T== Join(RecursiveAggregate(S), finiteAggregate, shallowlyMutable) with

++ Author:W. H. Burge
++ Description: \spadtype{BinaryTreeCategory(S)} is the category of
++ binary trees: a tree which is either empty or else is a \spadfun{node} 
++ of a value and a \spadfun{left} and \spadfun{right}, both binary trees.
BinaryTreeCategory(S: SetCategory): Category ==_
     Join(BinaryRecursiveAggregate(S), shallowlyMutable, finiteAggregate) with

++ Description: \spadtype{BinaryTree(S)} is the domain of all
++ binary trees. A binary tree over \spad{S} is either empty or has
++ a \spadfun{value} which is an S and a \spadfun{right}
++ and \spadfun{left} which are both binary trees.
BinaryTree(S: SetCategory): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == BinaryTreeCategory(S) with

++ Description: BinarySearchTree(S) is the domain of
++ a binary trees where elements are ordered across the tree.
++ A binary search tree is either empty or has
++ a value which is an S, and a
++ right and left which are both BinaryTree(S)
++ Elements are ordered across the tree.
BinarySearchTree(S: OrderedSet): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == BinaryTreeCategory(S) with

++ Description: \spadtype{BinaryTournament(S)} is the domain of
++ binary trees where elements are ordered down the tree.
++ A binary search tree is either empty or is a node containing a
++ \spadfun{value} of type \spad{S}, and a \spadfun{right}
++ and a \spadfun{left} which are both \spadtype{BinaryTree(S)}
BinaryTournament(S: OrderedSet): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == BinaryTreeCategory(S) with

++ Description: \spadtype{BalancedBinaryTree(S)} is the domain of balanced
++ binary trees (bbtree). A balanced binary tree of \spad{2^k} leaves,
++ for some \spad{k > 0}, is symmetric, that is, the left and right
++ subtree of each interior node have identical shape.
++ In general, the left and right subtree of a given node can differ
++ by at most leaf node.
BalancedBinaryTree(S: SetCategory): Exports == Implementation where
  Exports == BinaryTreeCategory(S) with

++ A PendantTree(S)is either a leaf? and is an S or has
++ a left and a right both PendantTree(S)'s
PendantTree(S: SetCategory): T == C where
 T == BinaryRecursiveAggregate(S) with

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