Question 1:
Is it possible (and reasonable) to have the error function, erf,
return 0 for "erf(0)"?
Currently it returns the expression: erf(0)

Question 2 (related):
The standard normal (or Gaussian) curve has half its (unit) area to
the left (and right) of x==0 as we see here...
sage: gaussian = 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp( -(1/2)*x^2 )
sage: integrate( gaussian, x, -oo, 0)

To find the value of t for which the area is 1/2 we might try
sage: solve( integrate(gaussian, x, -oo, t)==1/2, t )

Unfortunately we get the expression
[erf(1/2*sqrt(2)*t) == 0]

which for t==0 reduces to erf(0) which ideally would reduce to 0 hence
Question 1 above ;-)
I suppose Question 2 is:
Although the erf doco suggests this is all done with PARI, is it
possible for [erf(1/2*sqrt(2)*t) == 0] to be made to reduce to

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