On May 2, 9:02 am, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On May 2, 4:14 pm, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I repeat,
> > The interesting cases are obvious those which are not covered.
> Sorry, I don't know what you mean. Are you saying that by definition
> they are interesting because they are not covered by Joris' algorithm,
> whatever they may be?

I haven't looked at Joris' algorithm, and if all you are doing is
what he has done, that might be better than making up something to do
something that you haven't defined.  I assumed Joris defined what
he is doing.

> > I don't know what your fix is, nor do I especially care, but I gather
> > that, now, at least your "stable" word is meant to indicate something
> > like a small bound in the maximum over all coefficients of the
> > difference in relative error between the true result and the computed
> > result.
> That sounds reasonable as a definition to me. However it isn't
> precisely the measure Joris defines.
> > I have no reason to believe this is an especially relevant measure,
> > since some coefficients (especially the first and the last) are
> > probably far more important and, incidentally, far easier to compute.
> > Here are some more cases.
... snip..
> > Here is another
> > p=1.7976931348623157E308;
> > q= 10*x
> > What do you do when the coefficients overflow?
> I actually don't understand what you mean. Why would there be an
> overflow?

there would be an overflow if you are using machine floating point
since p is approximately the largest double-float, and 10*p cannot be
in a machine double-float.

I'm missing something important here. I'm using floating
> point and the exponents can be 64 bits or something like that. There
> should be no overflow.

Really?  So you are not using IEEE double-floats?

What, then, do you do if the number exceeds whatever bounds you have
for your floats?

... snip...

In fact, what does Sage do?  Probably you can't say, because it
doesn't do the same thing
in various circumstances.  For example, you could cause a floating
point overflow in the
midst of some computation with Maxima.
In that case it might depend on which Lisp that Maxima was running in.
Or in what operating system, or what hardware.

And if the overflow occurred somewhere else, perhaps in Python or C,
maybe something
yet different.


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