On Jun 9, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

On 06/ 9/10 08:39 PM, leif wrote:
On 9 Jun., 18:29, Robert Bradshaw<rober...@math.washington.edu>
On Jun 9, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
I thought it would be useful if there was a way to indicate to other
Sage developers what packages you are working on.
Perhaps it'd be worth a new field (spkg) and then we could
make a nice, easy report of tickets by spkg.


A drop-down box like "component", without the version number?

I can see the point of that. Being able to search by component would be useful.

+1 to that from me.

But it's not obvious to me how this will help find what people are working on, so avoiding clashes of patches and two people creating tickets of the same version number.

Ideally there needs to be a way of searching for tickets based on a particular .spkg, which people are actively working on, rather than issues reported long ago, that nobody is looking at


is an NTL related ticket that has not been touched for 19 months.

I doubt I would have any need to worry about that if I were updating NTL now. So how would I find tickets where people are actively working on them?

Well, personally I would use my judgement based on the activity of any relevant tickets, pinging the person who opened (or last edited) the ticket if needed. Not perfect, but there are few enough people working on any given spkg at any given time that this should be sufficient.

- Robert

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