On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 5:57 AM, Robert Miller <r...@rlmiller.org> wrote:
> Although
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5906
> was supposed to eliminate this problem for good, sometimes random
> (i.e. spring-layout) algorithms seem to trigger it, in particular when
> a short path happens to get put into a straight vertical or horizontal
> line. What surprises me is that it is not reproducible, even though
> the doctesting framework is supposed to not be random in these types
> of cases.

When I developed randstate.pyx (reproducible "random" numbers), I
found the places I needed to fix by searching for doctests that
weren't being run because they were marked "# random" and trying to
make them reproducible.

So I wouldn't have fixed any use of random numbers that wasn't exposed
in a "# random" doctest.  It looks like there are a few such uses in
graphs/; I'll look into fixing them.

Everybody, let me know if you know of other places in Sage where
randomness is not under the control of the randstate framework (for
example, places you haven't been able to doctest because the answer
changes on every run).  Or fix it yourself!  It isn't hard, and
randstate has copious documentation.

By the way, I'm testing "sage -t graph_plot.py" in an infinite loop on
my machine, and no failures so far.  It's run a lot more than 20
iterations by now.


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