The following came to light while woring on #9343 (pari upgrade) which
I thought deserved a wider circulation.  John

Amazing discovery -- the script spkg-install is VERY broken, even the one
 currently distributed with sage 4.5!  (pari-2.3.5.p1)

 There are several lines like
 # pjeremy: fix for FreeBSD: #7825
 cp "$TOP"/patches/get_kernel config/
 which should say
 # pjeremy: fix for FreeBSD: #7825
 cp "$TOP"/patches/get_kernel src/config/
 (note the missing "src").

 If I am right, how come anything works?  I mean, if these patches are
 supposedly essential, but are in effect not being applied, maybe they are
 not so essential after all?

 I can change these to be "correct";  but am more tempted to delete them
 and see what happens...thoughts?

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