On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 at 10:45AM -0700, William Stein wrote:
> > So "sage -sdist" should check to see if SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/
> > atlas... is above a certain size, and if not, print a warning about
> > copying real spkg's and/or refuse to run?
> Yes.  It should do that for all the spkg's though.
> This would be good to do in Python, e.g.,
>    sage-sdist
> can call another little python script that exits with a nonzero status
> code on error.

That's starting to sound more complicated than necessary. Maybe -bdist
could just create a ".from_bdist" file in spkg/standard, and -sdist
would look for that file. Instead of writing a script to look at
filesizes, we just use `touch' and `if [ -f ... ]'.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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