On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Mitesh Patel <qed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/11/2010 03:25 AM, Mitesh Patel wrote:
>> On 08/05/2010 11:12 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Mitesh Patel <qed...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 08/04/2010 03:10 AM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>>>> So it looks like you're getting segfaults all over the place as
>>>>> well... Hmm... Could you test with
>>>>> https://sage.math.washington.edu:8091/hudson/job/sage-build/163/artifact/cython-devel.spkg
>>>>> ?
>>>> With the new package, I get similar results, i.e., apparently random
>>>> segfaults.  The core score is about the same:
>>> Well, it's clear there's something going on. What about testing on a
>>> plain-vanilla sage (with the old Cython)?
>> I get similar results on sage.math with the released 4.5.3.alpha0:
>> $ cd /scratch/mpatel/tmp/cython/sage-4.5.3.alpha0-segs
>> $ find -name core_x\* -type f | wc
>>      30      30    1315
>> $ grep egmentation ptestlong-j20-*log | wc
>>      11      70     939
>> So the problem could indeed lie elsewhere, e.g., in the doctesting system.
>> I'll try to run some experiments with the attached make-based parallel
>> doctester.
> With the alternate tester and vanilla 4.5.3.alpha0, I get "only" the 20
> cores in
> data/extcode/genus2reduction/
> (I don't know yet how many times and with which file(s) this fault
> happens during each long doctest run nor whether certain files
> reproducibly trigger the fault.)
> Moreover, the only failed doctests are in startup.py (19 times) and
> decorate.py (once).  The logs maketestlong-j20-* don't explicitly
> mention segmentation faults.
> So sage-ptest may be responsible, somehow, for the faults that leave
> cores in apparently random directories and perhaps also for random test
> failures.
> The Cython beta, at least, may be off the hook.  But I'll check with the
> alternate tester.

Thanks for looking into this, another data point is really helpful. I
put a vanilla Sage in hudson and for a while it was passing all of its
tests every time, then all of the sudden it started failing too. Very
strange... For now I've resorted to starting up Sage in a loop (as the
segfault always happened during startup) and am seeing about a 0.5%
failure rate (which is the same that I see with a vanilla Sage).
Hopefully we can get the parallel testing to work much more reliably
so we can use it as a good indicator in our Cython build farm to keep
people from breaking Sage (and I'm honestly really surprised we
haven't run into these issues during release management as well...)

- Robert

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