Sorry, in step 5, also installed the cairo development libraries.

Joal Heagney

On Aug 14, 1:16 pm, ancienthart <> wrote:
> I've managed to download and install sage 4.5.2 (i386) into an xubuntu
> image on virtualbox. This has R with png, jpeg, tiff and cairo support
> built in. I built this because it seems that the current vmware image
> has been "pruned" a bit too aggressively, and can't connect to the
> network from inside the image. Without network, it is too difficult to
> rebuild R on top of the binary ubuntu releases.
> Would people be interested in this image? If so, where would I upload
> it to?
> This would be a "development" image, with all the libraries needed to
> replace Sage (binary) with later releases and rebuild R. Thus it would
> be a bit bigger than strictly necessary. On the other hand, it would
> be much easier for others to update (via the method, steps 7 to 10
> below.)
> (If for some reason I can't do it in the future.)
> A basic description of the method I used was:
> 1. Install xubuntu onto the virtualbox image.
> The default user account, password and computer name are all set to
> sage, and automatic logging in enabled.
> 2. Uninstall everything not required. (I have left some extra xorg
> drivers installed, as X tends to die when I got too aggressive with
> the pruning.) Basically there are only four original menu folders left
> once I had finished.
> 3. Update all packages.
> 4. Install virtualbox guest additions.
> 5. Install build_essentials, the default jre and gfortran. Install
> png, jpeg, tiff, tcl, tk, xorg development libraries.
> 6. Disable checking of updates.
> 7. Download sage-4.5.2-linux-32bit-ubuntu_10.04_lts-i686-
> Linux.tar.lzma onto the image, and extract it into the /home/sage
> directory. Move all files from the created directory into /home/sage.
> 8. Delete the now empty directory and the archive.
> 9. Start ./sage and wait until all the first configuration messages
> finish. Exit sage.
> 10. Then from the command line, run ./sage -f r
> 11. Finally, I set some profile files to add /home/sage to the PATH
> variable, and created some extra menu entries and desktop icons.
> Finally, I exported the image and zipped it up. The file is 2.5Gb, and
> expands into a 16Gb image when installed in virtualbox.
> Joal Heagney

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