I will check this as soon as I can. I too was not very satisfied with
the units module. In particular, I did not like the way SI prefixes
are handled. Also, this:

sage: m=units.length.m
sage: sqrt(m^2)

When I'd expect to get "meter". Some features I'd like to see in a
units module:

* Type recognition. Doing something like

sage: 2.5 * m/s^2 * 2 * kg
5.0 Newton
instead of
5.0 kg*m*s^2

This is already on wolphram alpha: 

* Use SI prefixes instead of scientific notation:

sage: c= 300000 m/s
sage: 0.9 kg *c
81.0 mega Joule
instead of

* To make units more easily accesible I suggest make a function that
gets units in certain unit systems available

sage: import_units(system='SI',only_base=False) #Imports all SI units
sage: import_units(system='SI',only_base=True) #Imports all SI base
sage: import_units(system='SI',types='length time mass
electric_charge') #imports only metre second kilogram and coulomb

And others like that.

I hope to review your code soon.


On Aug 21, 8:18 pm, cousteau <cousteaulecommand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found the "sage.symbolic.units" module very promising, but there
> were some features it was missing, such as an easy way to enter units
> (something like "units('kg*m/s^2')"), handling of SI prefixes (you can
> do "units.si_prefixes.kilo*units.length.meter", but this is very
> impractical), unit representation ("2*meter*milli" isn't very nice)...
> I tried to modify the source code of the units module, but it wasn't
> easy to understand and it didn't seem to be compatible with the ideas
> I had in mind, so I rewrote it from scratch:
>    http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9763
> Some features it provides:
> + Easy units input, in the form of "U('kg*m/s^2')" or "U('3600 kg m2
> s-2')", which will also handle SI prefixes
> + Plain and LaTeX representation of values with units, the latter
> using the "latex_name" argument
> + Self-contained: all the information of a quantity (the number, the
> expression representing the units, an array containing unit type
> information, and the SI conversion factor) is stored in an object
> + Working conversion between "padded" units, such as degrees Celsius
> and kelvin, even if they are multiplied or divided by another unit (in
> which case it assumes 1 kelvin/second = 1 celsius/second)
> + Implicit conversion when adding units of the same type
> The problem with defining a new class is that it involves defining all
> the "__add__", "__sub__", "__mul__", "__le__", etc... methods, which
> work differently than in other Sage classes, and it might not
> integrate very well with the rest of Sage. Also, the developers might
> not like the idea of rewriting a module from scratch when there's
> already a module with the same purpose (although this one is very
> different), and might prefer to extend what they already have and
> know. Anticipating this, I did a small attempt to port some of the
> features to the already existing "units" module:
>    http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9778
> It's not such a rework as the one I did when writing the module from
> scratch, but it features:
> + SI prefixes: although tab completion doesn't include them, you can
> write units such as "units.length.kilometer" and that unit will be
> created automatically
> + LaTeX representation: there are only a few units as an example, but
> it can be easily extended by adding more entries to the "latexdict"
> dictionary. Prefixed units will make the LaTeX representation from the
> ones for the prefix and the unit.
> = All the units, unit documentation, and everything else that was
> already implemented in "units" is kept.
> - Still lacks an easy way to enter units
> - Conversion of temperatures behaves weirdly (example: try to convert
> 32 fahrenheit to celsius and then to kelvin)
> I want to hear your opinions. Which one of them is the best solution?
> Or none of them? Which one looks more interesting? I personally prefer
> the first one.

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