Hi there,

On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 08:27:22PM -0500, Jason Grout wrote:
> On 9/1/10 7:25 PM, David Roe wrote:
> >P.S.  To find an example of two parents which currently compare as equal but
> >are not the same object, do
> >sage: R = Zp(5, print_sep="|")
> >sage: S = Zp(5, print_sep=":")
> >sage: R == S
> >True
> >sage: R is S
> >False
> >
> Carl Witty commented on a similar issue in printing in the RealField
> code, and I think he has a very good point.  Printing defaults
> should not be stored in the parent, but instead should be something
> like a module-level option that can be freely set and changed.  See
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7682 (except that Trac
> doesn't seem to want to display the ticket right now).

Another example:

sage: s1 = Set([1,2,3])
sage: s2 = Set([1,2,3])
sage: s1 == s2
sage: s1 is s2

Note that

sage: s1[0] in s1 
sage: s1[0].parent()
Integer Ring

So that one can argue that s1 is not a real parent. However:

sage: isinstance(s1, Parent)



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