
I play with expressions, and transform sin(x) to (exp(i*x)-exp(-i*x))/2.

So I use a lot of test as

var ('x')
y = cos(x)      # or any other expression"
op = y.operator   # so op == cos
if op == cos : ...  # this test is fine, not the next one
else : ...

Now I want to test an expression with the binomial function call.

y = binomial (3*x, x)    # is fine
op = y.operator()          # is also fine
op                                  # I get binomial
op == binomial             # remains False

Type(s) are differents for binomial but are the sames for sin :

type (op), type(binomial) # type are differents
<class 'sage.functions.other.Function_binomial'>, <type 'function'>

sage: type(sin(x).operator()), type(sin)
(<class 'sage.functions.trig.Function_sin'>, <class 'sage.functions.trig.Function_sin'>)

How can I do this test for binomial ?

I don't want to use match and SR.wild(n) because I can't insert inside the match.

Do you have any idea ?
Many thanks.


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