On 11/4/10 11:59 AM, kj wrote:
I would like to extend Sage to allow for recursive composition of
graphics arrays.  (I.e. to enable having graphics arrays as individual
elements in a larger graphics array; as far as I can tell, Sage's
graphics_array does not support such higher-order graphics arrays.)

For this, the function that generates the graphics array must take a
1d or 2d array of graphics objects as one of its arguments, and return
a graphics object.

In order to do this, it would be helpful for me to understand Sage's
"data model" for graphics.  In particular, I need to determine if
Sage's graphics objects are cleanly separate from possible display

To see why, consider, for example, Mathematica Graphics objects, which
are at the center of its graphics model.  As far as I can tell from
Mathematica's documentation, to the user, such a Graphics object can
be interpreted (as a first approximation at least) as nothing more
than an abstract textual representation of a graphic, independent of
any display channel.  This textual representation can be interpreted
by various drivers to produced various types of output (e.g. a screen
display or PostScript).  The key point is that there appears to be a
clean separation between Mathematica's Graphics objects, and the
channels used for displaying them.  (I repeat that all of this is
nothing more than a guess on my part, since Mathematica is a black

This separation of the abstract Graphics objects from any concrete
display channel greatly simplifies the problem of creating composite
Graphics objects from other Graphics objects, since there's no need to
reconcile any possible differences that may exist in channel
information for the individual components.

Is there a similar separation between the specification of Sage
graphics objects and display channels?  To put it differently, how
much information about display channels is encoded in these objects?
Is there a write-up (or just some descriptive UML) on Sage's graphics
model that discusses these topics?

Yes, there is that separation that you describe. Graphics objects are just python objects that know how to draw themselves when asked. They draw themselves using matplotlib (see the _render_on_subplot function in each object, for exampe, in devel/sage/sage/plot/circle.py). Matplotlib then takes care of the "channel," as you call it, or drawing "backend," as matplotlib calls it. That drawing does not happen until the object is drawn to an actual file. You can see this since, for example, you can save a graphics object as a png file or a pdf file (two different channels):

sage: a=circle((0,0),1)
sage: a

sage: a.save('test.png')
sage: a.save('test.pdf')

You can see the save method code in the devel/sage/sage/plot/plot.py. Basically, a matplotlib object is created, and then each object is asked to draw itself on the canvas (or "axes," in matplotlib terminology).

I think to do what you want, it would be best to understand the matplotlib model for drawing multiple figures on an image. Matplotlib is the underlying library we use to draw Sage 2d figures, and is very powerful. Recently, some new capabilities for drawing arrays of graphics have been added (in matplotlib 1.0.0). Here are some links to documentation:




In particular, http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/gridspec.html#gridspec-using-subplotspec describes how to nest arrays of arrays in matplotlib.

I think we just need to wrap and expose this functionality that is already in matplotlib in the Sage interface.



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