Query: why would we use wolfram alpha, when (for example) the
University of Washington has a site license for mathematica?  It would
be more efficient, and take less work to write mathematica scripts to
double-check our work, and ask William (or another UW person) to run
the tests on a UW machine?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:40 PM, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> I'm sure you are aware of the Sage open-source mathematics software
> http://www.sagemath.org/
> which has a mission of creating a viable free open source alternative
> to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and MATLAB.
> Obviously Sage has a test suite where results from Sage are compared
> to a set of known results. For example, one test for the factorial()
> function is:
> sage: factorial(10)
> 3628800
> As you are no doubt aware, all non-trivial software contains bugs. It
> would be very useful to compare the result from Sage to that of other
> software which is developed independently.
> One way, which could be used in some circumstances, is to compare the
> Sage result to that obtained from Wolfram Alpha. For example
> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=10!
> shows 10 factorial is 3628800, so there is a very high probability
> that WolframAlpha and Sage are both correct.
> It would sometimes be useful to add a comment to the Sage test suite
> that the result has been compared to that obtained by WolframAlpha. So
> we could write something like:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> WolframAlpha gives the same result as Sage - see:
> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=10!
> sage: factorial(10)
> 3628800
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sage has tens of thousands of tests and that number is increasing all
> the time. Only a fairly small fractions of those tests could be
> computed with WolframAlpha, and even in cases where they could, we
> might not chose to do so.
> Looking at the terms of use of WolframAlpha,
> http://www.wolframalpha.com/termsofuse.html
> I personally can't see anything that would suggest that comparing
> results with Wolfram Alpha, and documenting this  would breach the
> terms of use. But when I suggested we could verify a result in
> WolframAlpha
> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=N[Integrate[+Sin[x]%2Fx^2%2C{x%2C1%2CPi%2F2}]%2C50]
> one Sage developer questioned whether this would be within the terms
> of use. See:his comments at:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/msg/1f8af294fbf40ccc?hl=en&;
> One section in particular of your terms of use says::
> "You are not allowed to use Wolfram|Alpha to create something that is
> likely or intended to be reused as a data source for further
> processing, or that in some other way serves as a replacement or
> alternative to using Wolfram|Alpha itself. This applies whether what
> you create is in electronic or print form."
> Sage, has a web based interface that allows one to perform advanced
> mathematical calculations. Clearly there are some calculations that
> could be performed in WolframAlpha, but which could also be performed
> in Sage. If you try Sage  - you can get a free account at
> http://t2nb.math.washington.edu:8080/
> you will soon realise that Sage is quite different to WolframAlpha.
> Sage is certainly not intended to be a replacement for WolframAlpha -
> in fact, Sage existed several years before WolframAlpha.
> Sage has its own language, which is based on Python. Sage can only
> process input using that syntax. It does not attempt to process
> questions the way WolframAlpha does.
> To save any further discussions on the Sage developers list about
> whether the use of WolframAlpha in the way I explained would be
> permissible, could you please clarify the matter.
> Obviously using WolframAlpha to compare results with Sage would be of
> benefit to the Sage project. But it would also benefit Wolfram
> Research too. In the event that comparisons with WolframAlpha showed
> different results, and we concluded WolframAlpha had a bug, we would
> out of politeness let you know. In fact, only recently I made your
> technical support team aware of a documentation error in PrimePi[] and
> PrimeQ[], which I understand will be fixed. This documentation error
> was discovered when some comparisons were made between Sage and
> Mathematica.
> Dr. David Kirkby (a developer of the Sage mathematics software).
> --
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