Hi Robert,

On 28 Dez., 01:27, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> ... You're working on
> moving modules over to the new coercion framework, right?


> > But how does one
> > define an action? I guess that one is supposed to use
> > sage.categories.action, but so far it has no example at all.
> http://hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/120c07be6358/sage/matrix/action...
> is the most comprehensive example to date.

Yes, I had looked at that example when I tried to understand how
matrix action works. However, I couldn't see how it relates with
functors, since it seems to me that it overrides all "typical" methods
of functors.

> > How are these two definitions related?
> Consider the category with a single object whose morphisms are the
> element of G. Then the functor send the elements of G to morphisms in
> Sets.

That makes sense, but it does neither match the code nor the

sage.categories.action.Action.__init__ is
    def __init__(self, G, S, bint is_left = 1, op=None):
        from groupoid import Groupoid
        Functor.__init__(self, Groupoid(G), S.category())
        self.G = G
        self.S = S
        self._is_left = is_left
        self.op = op
and sage.categories.action.__doc__ states "A group action G x S
rightarrow S is a functor from G to Sets."

According to your post, it should be "A group action G x S rightarrow
S is a functor from G (considered as a category) to the category of
Morphisms of Sets", and in the code it should be
Functor.__init__(self, Groupoid(G), S.category().hom_category()).

Moreover, sage.matrix.action.MatrixMatrixAction is implemented by a
_call_ method that has the signature
   cpdef Element _call_(self, g, s)
Hence, essentially it is a map (not a functor) from GxS to S -- so,
the implementation uses the category-free definition of an action, but
pretends to be categorical.

One crucial question is, IMO:
Would it really be wise to use a categorical approach towards actions?

Using the categorical definition would mean: To any given element g of
G, create a morphism from S to S (very slow!), and apply it to a given
element s of S. I guess caching the morphism from S to S would not
really be a solution. So, the current approach to think of an action
as a map from GxS to S probably yields a better implementation (speed-

But then, the question is what one should do with
sage.categories.action? Should it be overhauled so that it really
matches the categorical definition, just for completeness, even though
it would not be used in Sage?

Should there also be an "official" new framework for the non-
categorical version of an action, say, in sage.structure.action? Then,
actions that currently tacitly use the non-categorical definition
(like MatrixMatrixAction) could finally be "officially non-


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