By the way your nummerical approximation will finally get called when
you do something like:

sage: f(4).numerical_approx()

or use it's shorter alias:

sage: f(4).n()

By the way, the sinus was a bad example since that uses ginac as a
backend. You should look at the cotangent (i.e. Function_cot ).
Defined in devel/sage/sage/functions/ that is a better example.

On Jan 11, 10:19 am, Chris Swierczewski <> wrote:
> Hello,
> This question is about good / best practices for creating a "symbolic
> wrapper" for a purely numerical function.
> I have a rather nice function that I've written as a class (with __call__
> overloading, etc.) called RiemannTheta that at the moment can only handle
> numerical input. In particular, an instance of this class is a function,
> which I will call theta, from C^g --> C. This function can also numerically
> compute directional derivatives. For example, for g=3 I can compute the
> value of the first derivative in the [0,1,0] direction at the point [2,4,8]
> like so:
> sage: theta = RiemannTheta( <initializing arguments that define a specific
> Riemann Theta function> )
> sage: theta([2,4,8], derivs=[[0,1,0]])
> <complex number output>
> What I would like to have is the ability to "lazily" evaluate symbolic
> expressions like:
> sage: f = theta([x,x^2,x^3])
> So that
> sage: f(x=2) == theta([2,4,8])
> True
> I also want to be able to write
> sage: f010 = theta([x,x^2,x^3], derivs=[0,1,0])
> sage: f010(x=2) == theta([2,4,8], derivs=[[0,1,0]])
> True
> and I want to write a RiemannTheta.derivative(x) that will compute the
> symbolic derivative via the chain rule for vector to scalar-valued
> functions. Again, the key issue here is that *theta can only accept
> numerical input. *
> *
> *
> So *my main question is*: what would be a / the Pythonic or Sage-thonic
> approach to appending this kind of behavior? The first step would be to
> detect symbolic expression input in RiemannTheta.__call__(). (In such a way
> that it's as fast as possible.) My thoughts were to create a new class,
> RiemannTheta_symbolic, with a RiemannTheta object stored as an attribute.
> There would be a layer of lazy symbolic expression handling to make it such
> that RiemannTheta isn't called until all unknown variables are given complex
> subs. I'm afraid to inherit anything in sage.symbolic (or whatever is
> relevant in this case) since it seems rather complicated. (But I'm willing
> to dive into it if necessary.)
> Thanks for any insight or information.
> --
> Chris Swierczewski

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