> A "student mode" is tempting and has been discussed in other contexts
> (calculus?).  I think a strength of Sage is that a student can start
> with it as an undergraduate and continue to use it the remainder of
> their professional careers.  So for my money, I'd rather make
> available the functions and methods that alleviate any confusion a
> beginner might face, so that as their needs and confidence grow they
> can slide into more subtle uses, rather than having to transistion
> from one mode to another.


I used to be an advocate of a 'student mode' of sorts, at least
privately (it may have been before I was as involved with Sage), but
think Rob makes well the case for not having this.

That's not the same as not providing individual contexts - for
instance, it might be nice to have some way to declare a variable is
always real at the top of a page, and then have plot(x^(1/3)) do what
one naively thinks it would do if one hadn't seen a CAS before... and
we definitely need to advertise the 'magic' turning of methods into
functions more, if only to track down bugs in it.

 - kcrisman

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