By the way, notice that in
they also added a function "content" which does the old gcd behaviour
(i.e. similar to what simon describes).

sage: (1/4).content(1/6)

On Feb 11, 12:15 pm, koffie <> wrote:
> First of all, sorry Simon to have misread you :(.
> To awnser your question. I guess your algorithm makes sense when you
> do it with fractions in the reduced form. I will do it only for prime
> powers since the general case will follow from this.
> Suppose we have two prime powers p^a and p^b with a,b possabilly
> negative. Then gcd(p^a,p^b)=p^(min(a,b)) (*) would be sensible and up
> to units not depending on any choise. It is easy to see that this
> operation is associative and and commutative simply because min(a,b)
> has those properties.
> Now consider the cases (1) a,b>0, (2) a>0,b<0 (3) a,b<0 (and of course
> the more trivial cases with a=0)
> In the case (1) we get with your algorithm gcd(p^a,p^b)/
> lcm(1,1)=p^(min(a,b)) which agrees with the definition (*)
> In the case (2) a>0 b<0 we get gcd(p^a,1)/lcm(1,p^(-b))=1/(p^(-b))=p^b
> which agrees with (*) since b<a
> In the case (3) we get gcd(1,1)/lcm(p^(-a),p^(-b))=p^(-max(-a,-
> b))=p^min(a,b) which also agrees with (*).
> Kind regards,
> Maarten Derickx
> On Feb 11, 11:12 am, Simon King <> wrote:
> > Hi Tim,
> > I just opened #10771 for that purpose. Algorithm is proposed below.
> > On 11 Feb., 10:55, daly <> wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 01:49 -0800, Simon King wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > On 11 Feb., 09:56, Simon King <> wrote:
> > > > Does anyone have a better idea? Would it be a correct definition if
> > > > one insisted on reduced fractions?
> > > That's why I was asking for an algorithm for gcd and lcm
> > > in the subdomain.
> > What do you mean by "subdomain"? Do you mean, an integral domain R as
> > a subdomain of Frac(R)?
> > > The unit (1) is correct but not by your definition, and
> > > apparently not helpful for the original poster.
> > Any unit is a correct answer from the point of view of a PID. That's
> > why it makes sense to use the freedom.
> > Here is an algorithm:
> > ---------
> > R is an integral domain, F is its fraction field.
> > gcd and lcm are defined for R
> > INPUT:
> > x,y: Elements of F.
> > Since there is gcd in R, we can assume that x.numerator() and
> > y.denominator() are relatively prime, i.e., x=a/b and y=c/d for
> > a,b,c,d in R, the two fractions being reduced.
> > gcd(x,y) returns gcd(x.numerator(),y.numerator())/
> > lcm(x.denominator(),y.denominator())
> > lcm(x,y) returns lcm(x.numerator(),y.numerator())/
> > gcd(x.denominator(),y.denominator())
> > -----------------
> > - Up to units in R, we have gcd(x,y)*lcm(x,y) = gcd(a,c)/
> > lcm(b,d)*lcm(a,c)/gcd(b,d) = a*c/b*d = x*y
> > - Moreover, again up to units in R, we have gcd(a/1,b/1) = gcd(a,b)/
> > lcm(1,1) = gcd(a,b) and lcm(a/1,b/1) = lcm(a,b)/gcd(1,1) = lcm(a,b)
> > My questions to people that get more sleep than I:
> > Does that algorithm makes sense, mathematically?
> > At least it seems to me that the gcd-definition is exactly what is
> > used in Maxima:
> > sage: P.<x> = QQ[]
> > sage: a = (1+x^2)*(1+2*x)^2
> > sage: b = 1-x^4
> > sage: c = (1+3*x^2)*(1+2*x)
> > sage: d = 1-x^5
> > sage: x = a/b
> > sage: y = c/d
> > sage: factor(gcd(maxima(x),maxima(y)))
> > (2*x+1)/((x-1)*(x+1)*(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1))
> > sage: factor(gcd(x.numerator(),y.numerator())/
> > lcm(x.denominator(),y.denominator()))
> > (x - 1)^-1 * (x + 1)^-1 * (x + 1/2) * (x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)^-1
> > Best regards,
> > Simon

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